
My brother-in-law gits bizzy. Skills enough to make your ear tingle.

Fresh from the Red Bull Music Academy in Rome, he's got a new single, "That's Life".

(P.S., Don't sleep on "In and Out").

who PJ be

Who'd 've thought Eminem would throw a political analysis into the mix?

Check out this article, which includes links to his video for "Mosh."

And don't forget our friends at GNN, who put up their own article on the-- sorry, I'm just buggin' to see this video. For real. I was a teenager when I first got the politico-hiphop bug via KRS-ONE and Public Enemy. It's hard to swallow the fact of Eminem making an overt political statement through music. Even harder to digest the fact that "Mosh" is #1 on MTV's "TRL". Somewhere, Bob Dylan's rewinding a reel-to-reel copy of his song about the time's changing.

(If the above links don't work, go to Launch. Then choose a "videos" search for "Eminem" and pick the "Mosh" result).


You make the call: did Bush wear a wire? If yes, his performance in the first debate is even more disturbing.

the fat man swimmeth

A nice poem alongside this picture might take your eyes off the mid-section. But I figure if I have to lug it around, the least you can do is look at it.

Feel my girth.

About those tree trunks in the background... they're coconut trees. This kid climbed up a ladder, chopped down the coconuts with a machete, chopped open the coconuts, and poured us pitchers of fresh "agua de coco"-- which blends quite nicely with some *in.

Fresh agua de coco with *in-- on a sunny day, by the pool, 50 yards from the Pacific Ocean, swinging in the hammock-- is dope enough to make agnostics believe.

a haiku about
agua de coco might look
just like this picture.


Ashlee Simpson on SNL
I know this is trivial, but there's only so much a sane mind can absorb.

First, she blamed the band.
Now, this...


This excuse is too perfect: (a) she's got a medical condition, so be sympathetic, or you're an un-feeling jerk; and (b) because of the malady, she couldn't sing-- but she went onstage anyway: what a trooper!

It's sad to think of all the talented people who never get a break. Really sad.

El lago de Coatepeque - El Salvador

In August 2004, my wife and I spent a week in El Salvador with her family. One day, her father's folks rented a "microbus" and took me on an 8-hour tour of old ruins, different cities and towns, and (as you might have surmised) to this lake formed in the crater of an inactive volcano.

As the microbus arrived, we were greeted by a local musician. He, along with my wife's aunts and uncles and cousins, regaled us non-singers with an impromptu little concert. Dope.

who i be

Haven't yet figured out how to put the pic next to my profile-- a blatant robbery of Kai's style-- so hold tight. I'll figure it out sooner or later.


After viewing the video, I feel compelled to make you feel as disgusted as I do:
watch the short Votergate documentary.

The promo script: "Set aside the 15 minutes you'll need to watch this compelling documentary about electronic voting machines. Using interviews and demos with hackers and computer scientists, Votergate presents a picture of the myriad ways machines could change the election outcome. And if you have the choice, make sure to choose a paper ballot on Nov. 2."

I'm not gonna hype the film. My only commentary is what I said to my wife after viewing it: "Two words-- paper ballot. That's all I'm sayin'."

Word is bond.
My man Kai keeps talking about how I should update the blog template to allow for comments and RSS-stuff. Well, that presupposes I (a) have a blog strategy that (b) would benefit from said changes.

As it stands, I don't update the blog enough. Extra functionality won't change things until I change, eh? The watchwords: commitment to content. Is this a start?

I give you my brother-in-law, DJ Eurok. He's just returned from the Red Bull Music Academy in Rome, Italy. I'm digggin' the new tracks he put down while slipped into the boot.

Word, for now.


Listening to the second Presidential debate, I have to say this:

it's all I can do not to throw my TV out of the window whenever George Bush speaks.

On why he won't allow generic drugs to be imported from Canada:

"I wanna make sure they cure ya and don't kill ya!"

Thanks, George-y.