
"Time keeps on slippin, slippin, slippin..."

The past couple of weeks have been pretty incredible. Topping it off of course is the American President's delayed speech about "the vision thing"-- his proposal for Mideast peace.

"Much ado about nothing," if you ask me. Nobody did, but I thought I'd go ahead and say something on the topic before heading home for a restful evening.

Escapist entertainment is fast becoming a necessary sedative these days. The news out of Washington can keep you up all night with a migraine.

Was it ever any different? Were the old days really better than this? OR is the best yet to come, yet to be borne of our best imagination?

the future needs your dreams
imagination incantation and diligent
suffering labor to resurrect and nourish
our creative instinct

while we dream what is
help us imagine what is possible

let us be your canvas

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