
I've been trying not to read the paper, listen to the news, or swallow the propaganda; but I have to admit, it's getting to me. The harder I try to tune it out, the more grip it has on me.

I need a healthier response to the madness. (Reading at the "Poets Against the War" event was cool, but we're still at Code Orange).

So I'm launching "Project M.A.D." (Mention A Ditty). Sounds crazy, right?

Like I said, I can't tune out the madness, so I'm trying to be conscious of how I tune in: to something life-affirming/justice-centered/soul-shakin. I'm serious, y'all. Don't make me bust out the "Keep hope alive!" Jesse Jackson archives.

I could use your help. If you are so inclined, please share links to uplifting music and/or inspiring lyrics. No limitations whatsoever with respect to genre, language, file format, etc. Just click the "send props or gripes" link at the top of the page and I'll post your suggestion(s) as soon as possible, without editorializing. If you dig a suggestion, cool; if you don't, make a suggestion. Fair enough?

To start things off, I gotta give props to DJ Eurok-- Self Realization and John Lennon-- Imagine.


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