
It's good to google yourself once in a while. Tonight I found a link to an article about my trip to South Africa. Back in 2001, I was part of a delegation of young leaders that participated in a leadership exchange program.

...which gives me something to write about. Hey, even better-- I have a nice little slideshow to convert and post. Word up, I have content! Coming soon...

Thing is, I've gotta dig my journals out of the muck of my recent apartment move.



Got to give it up to Moms.

“guiding hands”

you’ve been a firm affirming hand
guiding us through childhood’s transformations
into adulthood,
like an alchemist

your love changes “other people’s” children
into brother sister daughter son;

because of your example
I thought it was normal to help
battered women, counsel families in crisis
and help clothe siblings “back home”

I am blessed with these memories, of
tagging along to your college classes, of
visiting South East Emergency Quarters,
and walking down Johnny Will Jones, Sr. Road…

memories that guide me.
the life I live reflects your love.
it, along with this poem is my gift
To You.

Happy Mother’s Day

aYesterday I picked up the paper and started worrying about the national debt. I don't ever worry about the national debt when I'm not reading the paper. The conclusion to draw from this is:
a) I don't worry enough about the national debt
b) I worry about the national debt in proportion to my susceptibility to national press coverage of domestic affairs
c) I need to turn in my ghetto card
d) I just started contributing to a retirement plan, and realize I'm gonna need some government support one of these days
e) any and/or all of the above, except "c"

This is nuts. Up in New York City, there's this huge billboard that constantly updates the national debt. It's right across from the HBO headquarters (42nd Street?). Anyway, there's the constant re-calculation going on 24/7/365. The kicker is the little "your portion" calculation that divides the debt by the estimated U.S. population.

I don't even like to open up my credit card bill at the end of each month. Why the hell do I need to see "my portion" of the national debt increasing second by second?

Share my outrage! Go to a site that tracks the national debt and see for yourself what a huge hole we're in.


For those of you who don't know, DC has a little habit of bestowing its new residents with a little token-- allergies. Usually takes about 5 years to kick in. Know who just got hit with the 5-year itch? I'm official, baby!

"Seasonal allergic conjunctivitis" is what the doctor said.
I said, "What, I'm gonna get pink eye every Spring?"

Actually, I can't complain too much. Some people, like my man Kai end up in the hospital for eating a honey-roasted peanut.

Short-term tourists need not worry. Just make sure you read up on the zone system for taxi fares. For the intern-to-pundit/staffer tribe, ask about the medical plan. Everyone else, pack your inhaler and pay attention to the daily pollen count. (No joke, it was 2500 last week, on a scale where 90 is high).
